

来源:www.najiayun.com 2024-03-03

There is a terrace concealed from view east of the city of Linchuan. It juts out onto a brook and is known as Xincheng. On TOP of Xincheng is a pond, which is deep and rectangular in shape and which, according to the Chronicles of Linchuan, by Xun Bozi, bore the name of “Wang Xizhi’s Ink Pond.” As he admired Zhang Zhi, Xizhi followed his example by practicing calligraphy on the banks of the pond until the water became wholly black. It is said that here is the site of the old pond. Can it be the truth?

Wang Xizhi refused to be pressed into the civil service; he journeyed to the east, reaching as far as the Gulf of Bohai, to amuse himself by frequenting mountains and rivers. Could it be that in the midst of his roaming he had some rest near this pond? The calligraphy of Xizhi was not perfected until late in his life. In other words, instead of being a born calligrapher, he acquired his skill through the energetic pursuit of the art. But he has had no equal in subsequent generations. Could it be that they never equaled him in practicing? Indeed, can practice ever be dispensed with, especially by those who are bent on cultivating their morality?




英语诗歌散文|英语诗歌鉴赏 苏轼《试笔自书》

苏轼·《试笔自书》Testing My Brush with These Words Su Shi吾始至南海,环视天水无际,凄然伤之,曰:“何时得出此岛耶?”已而思之,天地在积水中,九州在大瀛海中,中国在四海中,有生孰不在岛者?覆盆水于地,




国庆六十周年英语诗歌climb over five thousand years,Side banner will give you the bright,My dear motherland.Hence,I am not going to