To do something ASAP的意思是迅速、紧急地做某事。
例句:I need to submit the report ASAP so we can review it before the meeting tomorrow. - 我需要尽快提交报告,以便大家能在明天开会前把它过一遍。
2. Backburner
To put something on the backburner的意思是将任务或项目暂时搁置一边。例句:We've put this project on the backburner for now. - 大家暂时将这个项目搁置了。
3. Balls in the air
例句:With the upcoming deadline and client meetings, I have a lot of balls in the air right now. - 面对即将来临的截止日期和顾客会议,我目前有不少事情要处置。
4. Too much on my plate
当你感到任务多到有的应接不暇时,就能说“too much on your plate”。
例句:I can't take on any more projects at the moment; I already have too much on my plate. - 我目前不可以接更多的项目,我已经有太多任务了。
5. Bandwidth
Bandwidth直译过来是收音机的频带宽度 ,但它实质是指“一个人处置额外任务或项目的能力或空闲时间”。
例句:I'd love to help, but I don't have the bandwidth right now. - 我非常想帮忙,但我目前没足够的能力和时间。
6. Boil the ocean
boiled the ocean直译过来是“煮沸海洋”,它是一个形象的说法,实质用来表达“尝试做一项很不简单甚至不可能完成的任务”。
例句:Let's focus on smaller goals instead of trying to boil the ocean with this project. - 让大家专注于小目的,而不是在这个项目上好高骛远。
7. Brain dump
例句:I did a quick brain dump and came up with an awesome idea. - 我飞速整理了下思路,想出了一个非常棒的主意。
8. Deliverables
例句:What are our deliverables for this month? - 大家本月的出货成就是什么?
9. Game changer
A game changer是指大概显著影响或改变近况的事物。
例句:This new organization tool I'm using is a game changer for me! - 我正在使的这个新的组织工具给我带来了巨大的转变!
10. Good to go
当某事物“good to go”时,意味着它已经筹备好了。
例句:The proposal I've been working on is good to go for today's presentation. - 我一直在努力筹备的提案已经做好了,可以用于今天的演示。
11. Herding cats
Herding cats直译过来是“赶着不少猫”。它是一个奇怪的说法,实质用来指“试图管理很难管理的人或任务”。
例句:Coordinating the different departments' schedules for this project feels like herding cats. - 协调不同部门的项目进度感觉就像是在赶猫一样。
12. Run up the flagpole
把某事物“run up the flagpole”意味着提出一个想法、提案或计划以获得反馈。
例句:I haven't finished the project yet, because I still need to run it up the flagpole. - 我还没完成这个项目,由于我还需要把它公开以采集反馈。
13. Throw under the bus
例句:John tried to throw me under the bus by blaming me for the mistake during the presentation. - 约翰试图甩锅,把演示中的错误怪罪到我头上。
14. Micromanage
例句:I'm so annoyed with Susan! She micromanages everything I do. - 我非常烦苏珊!我干什么她都要管。
15. Let go
这可能是办公室里最可怕的两个字了。当有人被“let go”时,就意味着他们被开除去。
例句“Have you heard? Jack was let go yesterday! - 你听说了吗?杰克昨天被解雇了。
16. Keep me in the loop
当你需要某人“keep you in the loop”时,是在需要他们随时和你通报状况。
例句:Keep me in the loop! I want to know what's going on between John and Susan! - 随时和我交流,我想了解约翰和苏珊之间出了什么事!
17. Workflow
例句:The workflow for this project is insane... I don't know how I'll finish it on time! - 这个项目的工作步骤太疯狂了……我不了解如何才能按时完成!